The moral crisis at Facebook

Is it because of its business model, its culture, or something deeper?

Aadhaar and the three laws of tech for entrepreneurs

In listening to the Supreme Court pronounce its verdict on Aadhaar, some pointers emerge to the vagaries of entrepreneurship

Is it a yes or a no? The curious case of Section 57

Is there any scope for businesses to use Aadhaar authentication for ease of business and to provide innovative services? The Supreme Court ruling on the Aadhaar Act has left more questions than answers

When a tech idea goes into a government office

Aadhaar was designed as an enabler, a utility. That is its strength, and its weakness

Bill Gates, Nandan Nilekani and the idea of societal platforms

EkStep Foundation is the technical partner of a new global philanthropic initiative Co-Impact. What exactly is it bringing to the table?

How data is eating the world, and what India needs to do

Nandan Nilekani and his team presented their vision on democratising data. It won’t be an easy task

The importance of being anonymous

A minor subplot in the grand narrative of Aadhaar has raised important questions about privacy

The Aadhaar debate: Is common ground possible?

Discussions on Aadhaar often descend into shouting matches. One way to make progress is to break it down into smaller bits to understand the nuances

The Sceptical Optimist: A philosopher’s take on technological progress

In this interview Nicholas Agar, author of ‘The Sceptical Optimist’, talks about why unquestioning enthusiasm and a blanket rejection of technological change are equally misguided

What to do about artificial intelligence

Make it work for the poor, two tech leaders say